value the ordinary

Things have been a little busy here lately. We have been working on some projects for our growing little business and really enjoying it. But the busier I get the more I appreciate slowing down. The more I appreciate the simple rituals of the day to day. As this year travels along & time just seems to be slipping away, I am looking even more closely at the things that seem ordinary & knowing that one of the most valuable things in our lives are really the things that seem the most ordinary. We don’t always realise at the time how wonderful all the ordinary things are, but I have a sense that I am going to miss our current version of normal so much one day…

like an afternoon spent building a castle…  and the bath time that inevitably follows because someone can never resist painting her belly…

and setting the breakfast table for three…

and discovering someone has separated all the pink one’s…

Children can keep us busy, but they are also wonderful at teaching us to slow down…

Have you ever lay on your child’s bed just because you wonder what the world looks like from their perspective…

and suspected that to them nothing is ever just ordinary…

Children are so good at absorbing the things that are right in front of them. They don’t spend this week planning next week.

This year, even though things are getting busier, more than ever I really want to absorb the moments. I want to really see, both with my camera & without.

I want to value the ordinary, because ordinary is a gift I don’t always realise I have…

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Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast, Sydney


@lisa_jay | @lisajayphotosandfilms