Day 2 & 3 | January photo a day project

I love that at any time of the day, she paints. She paints with the very same brushes I was painting with when my waters broke with her in my belly.  I still haven’t finished that painting. I’ve been a little distracted for the 5 years that have followed that labour. I’ll paint again…. but for now… she paints.

She has a new smile. A missing tooth. She looked at it properly in the mirror this morning.  She walked around today with her new gold coin the tooth fairy left under her pillow last night & by lunch time she discovered yet another wobbly tooth. She was 8 months old when she got her first two teeth & by the time she starts school next month she won’t have either of those teeth. Another reminder to celebrate every milestone & be so grateful for what is in front of me today. It’s not just her smile that is changing.

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Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast, Sydney


@lisa_jay | @lisajayphotosandfilms