Day 21| January photo a day project 2018


Estelle Miette.
16 months old.
Likes: music, mango, watermelon, broccoli, breastfeeding, bath time, bubbles, slides, swinging, the beach, water play in every form, dancing, looking after her baby (doll), drawing, goodnight kisses, babies, visitors, her sisters, being included.
Says ‘mmmm’ when she eats ice-cream.
Calls her sisters “Ah-vuh” & “Ahkou”. Pretends to play guitar with her arm when she hears a guitar solo.
Can get herself onto the trampoline.
Can finally ride her trike forwards.
Carries tissues to children when they cry or have food on their face, then cleans them up.
Rubs moisturiser into her skin while saying “brub brub brub”. Sings “happy birthday to you” and we don’t know how she learned it.
Counts to three before jumping down off things.
Says “run, run, run” when she runs her fastest.
Imitates bird song with precision.
Sleeps til 9am.
Calls ants “Anne” and asks for “han” when she wants to hold a hand and “ma more” when she wants ‘one more’.

Her main words are: hi, bye, baby, mama, dadda, mummy, daddy, no, yes, please, thank you, go, run, bathies, tissue, bubble, banana, apple, mango, yellow, brush, squeeze, hair, stir, swinging, hot, cold, sauce, bread, cheese, potato, melon, cardo, moo, rain, up, eye, ear, teeth, nose, yum, yay, shoes, where, here it is, hat, hand, oh-no, more.
Has 3 tiny curls at the back of her head.
Tries to help with all the jobs… heavy lifting included.

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Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast, Sydney


@lisa_jay | @lisajayphotosandfilms